Last stacking of the year! Possibly last stacking below 100k? Stacking happened via the usual routine of peeling my fresh fiat salary of 500€ and buying the spot. My price this time was ~91800€/btc which means I got another ~.005 btc added to the stack that stands at roughly 4.56 btc today. Total amount spent during 7+ years is ~46k€ and the average price therefore ~10k€/btc.
So, 100k is finally here! Been waiting for it for so long it doesn’t really feel like a big spectacle (price wise). But it actually feels like a start of an era. Six figures bitcoin is something else than a 4-5 figure bitcoin. Instead of small community of individuals, bitcoin is now used and wanted globally by ‘everyone’. Now that the six figures are established, *any* six figure price is established. So, in my opinion 300k is on the table, 500k is on the table and 900k is on the table. Million might be a step too far (in the near future), but million is now inevitable, whereas people would have laughed at you talking about a million dollar bitcoin when the price level was 10k. If you wanna get laughed at now, start talking about a 10 million dollar bitcoin. Which, by the way, is also gonna come. In time.
Lets’ take a look at the charts:

The orange line is my bitcoin stack (left axis), ever increasing, currently flattening. The green line is the corresponding fiat value (right axis) of my bitcoin stack, going up and down like a madman, currently shooting straight up to new unseen territories above 400k eurozone funny money. The black dashed line is the total amount of money put in, currently ~46k€ during a 7+ year period.

The bars represent every bitcoin purchase I’ve ever made, starting from October 2017, 87 in total. The worst performance of a single purchase is from April this year which only gives me +38% profit, the best performance is from February 2019 which gives me a +3000% profit on the purchase currently. So, basically the 500€ I stacked in Feb 2019 is ~15k€ at the moment. Thirty three of the 87 purchases are above 900% profit, meaning they are now at least 10x the purchase value.

The orange line is the performance of my bitcoin savings strategy, the blue line is the corresponding performance (same amount used, same purchase dates) of a ‘normal’ savings strategy of buying the S&P500. My bitcoin savings strategy is currently giving me +800% total performance for the money put in, whereas the standard (and poor) S&P strategy would have given only +70% performance for the money put in. 70% might be considered a good number in the boomer investing community (?) but the bitcoin strategy has given more than 10x (compared to 70%) and we are only at the beginning of this bull market. In 1 year or so this difference will most likely stretch to unimaginable multipliers. Bitcoin simply is the superior savings vehicle, and I feel sorry for the people who are too scared of the volatility to make their lives better with bitcoin.
That’s it for this year! Pop one for the six figures, see you again next year!
Affiliate links:
Buy bitcoin at Swan
Buy bitcoin gear at COLDKITE
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